Eliciting Excellence
the essence of leadership… Effective leadership will elicit excellence in people. However, when leadership isn't effective, the result is not simply a neutral outcome. Often, when a person is weak at leading others, the results swing in the opposite direction. In other words, the opposite of excellence is not simply average performance, but rather the opposite can be a knee-jerk reaction which not only suppresses excellence, but leads to apathy. Too many companies are filled with people who, after becoming disillusioned, become apathetic – just showing up and going through the motions. People often talk about "doing the right thing", and while that is something to strive for, the dynamics of those actions can sometimes lead to results which can be less than desirable. In addition, effective leadership is also not just a matter of doing those "right things" in the right way. For example, a business can implement a marketing strategy that's been proven to work, and execute it perfectly. But they may not get the results they expect if the dynamics created by that strategy between company and prospect aren't in alignment with how prospects perceive the company. Not only will the marketing results suffer, but the unintended dynamics may actually drive prospects away. |
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